My Name is Randall Woodum, I am certified as a Texas License To Carry Instructor and have prepared well over3,500 good Texans to be licensed to carry a firearm.
I am also certified by the state of Texas as a School Safety Instructor
I am NRA certified as a :
Basic Pistol Instructor/Counselor
Basic Shotgun Instructor/Counselor
Basic Rifle Instructor/Counselor
Personal Protection Inside The Home Instructor/Counselor
Personal Protection Outside The Home Instructor/Counselor
Chief Range Safety Officer Instructor/Counselor
Refuse To Be A Victim Instuctor/Regional Counselor
Home Firearm Safety Instructor/Counselor
I'm all about practice, but to be really good you need to know what to practice, and the right way, then it becomes muscle memory.
It is better to have a gun and not need it than to need it and not have it.
It is also better to have a Strategy for the use of that gun than to not have one
I teach many more LTC classes than any of my other discipline's this class is 4 hours class room and 1/2 hour of shooting qualification, when you pass this class and receive your proficiency certificate, and then pass your background check, you will receive your Texas License To Carry and at that point you are legal to carry "open" or "concealed".
If you have a group of family or friends I can come to your home or office for the classroom portion of any of my courses 5 person minimum
All the NRA firearms instruction classes are taught on the NRA curriculum with the attendant manuals and certificates for each course, if you want to take an instructor course and have not taken the basic instructor class in the last 2yrs. that will also be required.
I can also tailor a custom class to any specific needs or concerns you may have.
I also have had great success with both my Active Shooter Response Strategy class which is great for corporate environments, church campus', and any place you might have an "active shooter" concern.
My "Practical Tactical" class is offered to everyone who has a license and carries a gun. This class prepares you to react to everyday concerns, at the gas station, at the grocery store, at the office, at thebank, etc. This the begining of thinking tactically in your everyday life.
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